
Discover the Seven Subconscious Beliefs that Sabotage Your Life and How to Overcome Them

There are seven core beliefs that are quietly living and breathing in the subconscious minds of millions of people.  They are the pillars of a corrupt unconscious belief system that sabotages success, and because of them, bank accounts dwindle, self-esteem suffers, relationships fail, health falters, and inner peace is always out of reach. UnderMind explains how each of these beliefs is causing people to waste their potential and live entire lifetimes of dissatisfaction and limited success. It goes on to reveal an innovative new method that frees human beings from their self-imposed prisons – in only hours.

“Self-sabotage”. It’s a common phrase. But what does it really mean?

UnderMind gets to the heart of understanding how each of us allows the thoughts that travel silently beneath the surface of our conscious minds to run our lives.

Through detailed case studies, exposes how the seven sabotaging beliefs have affected the lives of various individuals and reflect the nature of human suffering.

Each belief controls an infinite number of smaller beliefs that ultimately influence your thoughts, feelings and actions in a combination of passive and aggressive ways.

This book is for everyone who has ever wanted to be successful in any area of life, but is left wondering why they simply can’t attain it.

Through a methodically designed survey, UnderMind provides you with a revealing evaluation of what your subconscious mind is thinking. The life-changing results of this survey tell you why you’ve made achievements in certain areas, while you’ve floundered in others.  When you understand which of the seven beliefs are operating in your own life, you’ll see how they affected your past, and how they will control your future – if you let them. Without understanding the underlying cause of everything you think, say, feel, and do, meaningful and permanent change isn’t an option – or even a possibility.

Breaking Through To Lasting Change

UnderMind bridges the gap between awareness and resolution. The book’s final chapters introduce Progressive Neural Resolution Therapy (PNRT), a therapeutic method developed by co-author Joanna Andros. The PNRT method reprograms the subconscious mind by replacing limiting beliefs with new beliefs, tools, and strategies that help you to live to your fullest potential and achieve your goals. The results? Profound and permanent changes in every area of your life. With PNRT’s (Progressive Neural Resolution Therapy) groundbreaking methods to reprogram self-sabotage, financial abundance, self-love, meaningful relationships, health, fulfillment, and more are possible as you take control of your subconscious, and stop living UnderMind.

Most coaching and therapeutic methods, including clinical psychotherapy and psychology, only go far enough to identify why we sabotage ourselves and to teach us to think differently on a conscious level. But these methods fall short of creating lasting change because while they address the core beliefs that create problems and sabotage our lives, they don’t give us the tools to transform those core beliefs into empowering ones.

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